Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Our People Make the Difference"

The most common phrase we hear from businesses is "our people make the difference." At first, that phrase sounds wonderful. The company appears to believe in their employees. Value is given to the individuals who perform the work every day and they are indeed identified as the most important aspect of a company's offerings. They are, in fact, part of the product being sold.

What most companies don't realize is that the saying is true - for every business. The people in your business truly do make a difference. The question is: what kind of difference are they making?

Think about this:
  • Who interacts with your customers?
  • Who interacts with your suppliers?
  • Who determines your business' strategy and where your company is going?
  • Who makes sure you're meeting government regulations? paying the right taxes? fulfilling your legal and contractual obligations?
  • Who builds your reputation?

The answer to all of these questions: YOUR PEOPLE.

So, what happens when you aren't meeting the needs of your people?

It's easy to think of employees in terms of their numbers. How many of them are there? How much are you paying in taxes to keep them employed? How much time are they performing revenue generating activities? However, the more important numbers are these:

  • How many customers do your employees encounter daily - on and off the job?
  • How much company time are employees spending trying to manage their personal lives because they don't have the life skills to handle things outside of work?
  • How often does the stress of feeling overwhelmed cause an employee to avoid solving a work problem because he simply doesn't know how to face it?
  • How many times has an inexperienced manager in your organization cost you a valuable employee because she didn't know the difference between managing and demanding?

Your employees make a huge difference in the success or failure of your business, whether it's part of your marketing message or not. 21st Century Professionals focuses on identifying and addressing the personal and professional needs of your employees to ensure that the difference they make is for the better. We know that healthy, well-rounded people outfitted with the proper life tools and support systems make incredibly productive and efficient employees.

Call us today to discuss how we can make a difference for your people, so they can make the right kind of difference for your business: 937-867-0667 or email info@21stcenturypros.com.

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